Veg Speak #1

Welcome to Gourmand Providores’ fortnightly newsletter, where we will share with you what’s hot, what’s not and all the stuff in between. We will endeavour to keep you abreast of market trends and seasonally available produce whilst also building a compendium of produce facts that you can build on and refer to at any time.
Our first feature concentrates on the humble Potato and all its wonderful varieties. As my good friend Norm always tells me “there’s no such thing as a bad potato, you just have to choose the right one for the job.”
We have broken the potato family into three categories, with images attached and basic cooking suggestions.
Happy boiling, roasting, mashing and frying.
(Speaking of snapshots, make sure you subscribe to our Instagram and Facebook feeds. Follow our adventures through the early morning hustle and bustle at Sydney Markets, check out the Images of the freshest seasonal produce and even book yourself a Market Tour to get really hands on.)
There has been much fluctuation in the price and quality of Tomatoes and Cucumbers, both hitting season highs. The cooler chill over the past weeks has slowed down growth and colouring of the produce, whilst demand has forced the price rise. Things will soon settle as the warmer longer days draw near. Corn has also experienced a price hike but signs are that this is also on the way down. Watermelon is still not quite at its peak yet the signs are looking good for some full flavoured coloured fruit to hit the market floor early in the week. Tight white heads of Cauliflower, brilliant Broccoli and some great Green Beans are in good supply and are great value. Limes are still on the pricey side as are Raspberries.
Picks of the Month

Broad Beans
Young beans can be cooked in their pods then tossed in a little seasoned butter. The larger bean is great as a mash or puree.
Globe Artichokes
Great as an entrée, boiled whole and served with a dipping bowl of vinaigrette or Hollandaise. Try filling the artichoke bottom with a farce and baking it.
Local Grown Asparagus
Don’t be put off by the larger thicker spears, they are crunchy and sweet both stir fried and poached.
Red Papaya
Firm sweet fresh, excellent on a fruit platter for that extra WOW. My favourite, king prawns, mint, coriander, lime and diced papaya salad.
Carra Carra Navels
Super sweet navel oranges with a beautiful pink flesh. Great eating and juicing orange.
Northern Territory Mangoes
Various sizes available. Beautiful aroma with a golden sweet flesh.